After a long year of sticking close to home, traveling is once again becoming a possibility for many Americans. No matter how exciting it may be to head back out into the world, there’s one indisputable truth: long distance travel across time zones disrupts your circadian rhythm. The fatigue and insomnia are definitely a dynamic duo, and they can be accompanied by everything from gastrointestinal distress to difficulty concentrating.
What if there were a way you could dispense with the discomfort so you can spend more time enjoying your travels and less time suffering the physical side effects of travel? With IV drip therapy, you can do just that.
How Does IV Drip Therapy for Jet Lag Help Alleviate Symptoms?
Air travel can disrupt your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle, but it can also be dehydrating, as well. IV drip therapy is the fastest and most efficient way to rehydrate your body. Oral hydration requires fluids to first pass through your digestive tract, which can cause stomach upset at high volume and is slowly absorbed.
IV hydration is administered directly into your circulatory system, ensuring more than just your digestive system absorbs moisture. When you’re suffering from jet lag, added therapeutic compounds, vitamins, minerals and nutrients can be administered for a deep sense of whole-body wellness, no matter how many time zones you traverse. Integrating zinc into your post-travel IV drip therapy cocktail can also help to boost your body’s ability to fight off viruses, potentially lowering your risk of contracting some illnesses.
Quick, Easy and Effective IV Therapy for Jet Lag
When you’re worn out from long-distance travel, the last thing you want to do is travel another mile for jet lag relief.
On-site IV therapy in our amenity-laden spa can be a relaxing and rejuvenating experience, but sometimes you want relief on your terms. All of our IV drip therapies are customized to the unique needs of your individual body by our expert care team, headed up by a Board-Certified Anesthesiologist. Through our mobile concierge program, these protocols can be administered in the comfort of your own home, hotel room or office. Contact us today to learn more about how IV therapy can put an end to jet lag symptoms so you can enjoy getting back out into the world.